“And did you get what you wanted from this life, even so….”

Date: 3.25.24

Today, as I reflect on my journey through life, the question lingers in my mind: “Did I get what I wanted from this life, even so?” It’s a question that resonates deeply, prompting me to pause and consider the path I’ve traveled, the choices I’ve made, and the experiences that have shaped me into the person I am today.

There are moments when I feel a sense of fulfillment and contentment, moments when I can confidently answer “yes” to that question. I’ve achieved goals, pursued passions, and experienced moments of joy and success that have brought meaning and purpose to my life. In those moments, I am grateful for the blessings I’ve received and the opportunities that have come my way.

But there are also moments of doubt, moments when I wonder if I’ve missed out on something, if there’s more I could have done or experienced. I’ve faced challenges, setbacks, and disappointments along the way, moments when life didn’t unfold as I had hoped or planned. In those moments, I question whether I’ve truly lived up to my potential, whether I’ve made the most of the time and opportunities afforded to me.

Yet, even in the face of uncertainty and unanswered questions, I find solace in the knowledge that life is a journey, not a destination. Each experience, whether joyful or difficult, has contributed to my growth and understanding. Each choice, whether right or wrong, has shaped my character and perspective. And even if I haven’t achieved all that I set out to accomplish, I take comfort in knowing that I’ve lived authentically, with integrity and purpose.

So, to answer the question, “Did I get what I wanted from this life, even so?” Perhaps the answer is not a simple “yes” or “no,” but rather a reflection of the journey itself—the ups and downs, the twists and turns, the moments of triumph and moments of doubt. And through it all, I continue to seek meaning, to pursue fulfillment, and to embrace the beauty and complexity of life, even so.

Ask yourself the same and write your reflective answer, giving yourself permission to leave nothing out.

Published by lazymomboss

Legit, just a mother who has survived 20 years in this game. I thought it would be ideal to have a space where I can write randomly about all the things that I encounter as a parent and as a 40 years old empty nester. I don’t have the blueprint but, I can support making you feel less like you’re going to 🤬 up. Bask in the moments. Be open with your guidance and for all intents and purposes, LET GO OF WHAT YOU DESIRE FOR THEM TO BE and let them find joy in discovering who they really are! Read. Enjoy. Disagree. Comment.

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